

Hi, I’m Dan. One thing I enjoy doing in my spare time is learning about physics, stats and other technical topics. While doing this I often make notes which explain things in a way which makes sense to me. For example expounding on parts of derivations that required some thought on my part to understand. I thought that publishing them would be a way to make me polish them a bit more. Primarily I made this webpage for myself, to serve as a reference, but perhaps it may be of interest to others too.

Some topics will probably remain as reference type articles, which are likely to be added to and edited over time, whereas other articles may fit a narrative style better.

Given the articles will be written to make sense to my future self I am assuming a level of background similar to my own; namely a physics undergraduate degree which is heavily rusted due to the passage of time, and a marginally less rusty computational fluid dynamics doctorate. That being said, because this is stuff I look at purely in my limited spare time, I often return to these notes after long periods of time. Therefore I will also try to lean towards explicitness in derivations and exposition. I wont always assume things as given that may seem obvious once deeply immersed in a topic.


The site is generated directly from my notes. I may end-up moving articles around or splitting them, to improve the structure. Although I have some experience with HTML, CSS & JavaScript I am not a web developer, therefore if you notice anything broken please let me know. Any other suggestions are welcome too!


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